Carmen Barral BA, M STAT
Carmen was born in Galicia, Spain and came to the Uk after graduating in Psychology at the University of Santiago de Compostela. She has been living and working in West London for the last 40 years. She is now a grandmother but has no plans to retire anytime soon.
Carmen completed her 3 years training in the Alexander Technique (AT) in 2005. Since then, she has seen many people who come with chronic tension and musculoskeletal. What she finds is that, in a significant number of cases, the root of the chronic tension and pain has a strong emotional component, all be it unconscious.
She had been interested in the somatic nature of emotions ever since her psychology studies, and she was really curious as to why we develop habits of tension even in the absence of external physical demands. When in 2011, by chance, she came across the Rosen Method, she knew that she had found the missing link between talking therapies and the Alexander Technique.
In 2012 she began her training to become a Rosen Method Practitioner. From the very beginning, she found Rosen to be the most inspiring, profound and direct approach to understanding and healing emotional and physical pain. A journey in self awareness, not in a descriptive or conceptual manner (with which she was familiar) but through the felt sense in her body, of the whole of herself in the present moment.
In 2014 she started working as a Rosen Method Intern and in 2018 she became a fully Registered Rosen Method Practitioner.
Carmen has a practice in London W7 and W5 where she also offers Alexander Technique (for further information go to www.ealingalexandertechnique.com)
Like all members of the Rosen Institute, Carmen adheres to the Institute’s code of ethical and professional conduct and holds a professional indemnity insurance.